Friday, November 14, 2014

Spotlight on Tibetan Buddhism II: Transcript and Brief Commentary on the Dalai Lama's Nov. 1 Boston Talk

Dalai Lama’s Nov. 1 Boston talk. Transcribed by A Religion Critic, Daniel Ansted  


This is a word for word transcript. I did not feel like I should make corrections, even grammatical ones for two reasons. 1) an uncorrected text retains more of the flavor of his speech and 2) while I am conversant in various religious traditions, I am not an expert in any of them and did not feel confident to make any changes. Thus, I did my best to combine readability with punctuation with word for word accuracy. I hope you enjoy this post


Respected Senator and I think respected elder brothers and sisters and also general public brothers and sisters. Firstly, I want to thank those young performers and especially those young children. They play quite freely, some go like this some go like that. So I really appreciate, then they folk dance, opera singing, that I was young and hostile, as a monk these are not allowed, but I play that. This performance very familiar in my mind, since each summer in the republic of Paris, few days they perform from different groups and that met about six days and my mother also joined with me and most important no classes. So I always enjoyed those six days. So I remember when I saw this in this performance like that. So thank you very much.

Then this Boston city quite familiar to me. Few occasion I came and gave some lecture at the university also. Many years ago some lecture like that. So now this time, last two days, very meaningful day, there some discussion with some scholars about mind and emotions and also about ecology. As far as ecology goes I learned much useful information. Now here in public talk. Whenever I give talk I make clear the speaker the audience we are same human being no differences; mentally, emotionally, physically we are the same. As a matter of fact, 7 billion human beings on this planet are the same. Most important each one wants a happy life. Do not want suffering or problem and all humanity have right to achieve their wish, be happy life. So I always stress importance of sense of oneness of 7 billion human being. On the human level all 7 billion people are same. I think on human level I think happily not so much cause of fighting killing. On secondary level different country, different races, different color, different faith, different social status, or these things, different profession, then there are differences. Most man-made problem, not on the level of sameness of human being but secondary level on different denomination, different color, different faith.

This country, I think, there some centuries, much changed. President Lincoln abolished slavery, then Martin Luther King, civil rights, now the President also come from African origin. Much has changed, but still some cases, recently I was in Alabama, there is still sometimes gap on the basis of color, little sort of discriminations. And some other part of the world also it happen, then of course different national interests, I think not only in the past, but even today some violence. Then very very unfortunate thing is in the name of religion different faith and causing killing, unthinkable. All major religious traditions teach us practice of love, forgiveness, tolerance. And most people who follow that still killing, unthinkable. The warrior is due to national interest or some other things, killing, very bad, understandable. People those who practice love, forgiveness, tolerance killing, unthinkable. So much problem which we are facing, too much stress on the secondary level of differences. So therefore, logically, if you want to reduce this conflict among human being killing each other, bullying each other, exploiting each other, cheating each other; we must promote awareness we are same human being. We all have same right to achieve happy life.

Now question what is happy life? Become rich? Millionaire or Billionaire? Is this right way to achieve happiness? No. If we closely observe, some people very rich, some of my friends I think very rich, maybe billionaire. But as a human being I am happy person; a lot of worry, a lot of stress, a lot of anxiety. This shows that money, wealth alone no guarantee bring happy life. Then education, knowledge, that also not very sure. Some very very smart brain, highly educated too much stress too much worry. So and then also I think people when little bit disturbed mind and take tranquilizer, or alcohol, or drugs. Many years, one occasion in America, now I can’t remember the name of the place, I drive along several hours. Lunchtime I stop, one family, quite big house, must be very rich, after our lunch I went to the bathroom to take care of my teeth. And then in awhile, the front cupboard it wouldn’t open, then out of my curiosity, I think maybe illegal, I opened. I noticed some pill, tranquilizer, then the family, people who live in that big house, everything, they also need tranquilizer. So I think I am quite sure because of medical knowledge, year by year advance, so maybe some people expect eventually through surgery to remove the part of our brain that brings more anxiety, more stress, more frustration. I think most probably I think impossible, so long as mind emotion is there, that is the source of worry, source of mental pain. Physical pain is something different. But mental level pain, mind itself, so now brain specialist to some extent can influence our way of thinking and emotional level. But now a days, just a few days ago in Alabama scientists at the University of Alabama, one scientist say classical thinking beside brain no role of mind, now that gradually now changing. They begin to feel there is another factor which affect our brain, that we call mind or consciousness. So the ultimate source of worry, mental pain, come from mind itself. So logically, the method to deal that must develop within mind. So our daily experiences, physical comfort will not subdue mental level worry or pain. Other hand, physical pain can be subdued by mental calmness or satisfaction, mental experience are. This useful [hockey cap], very powerful light. Hockey, hockey. Boston Bruins, hockey, hockey cap, but zero knowledge about hockey.

Living in India to America the international hockey festival in Damsala, cricket yes, so hardly no knowledge of distinction between hockey and cricket, disgrace. They invited me, so I went there to West Indies, so I also expressed there, since they invited me I happily accepted. But, I do not know who are winning and who are losing. When they hitted the ball, they run and I don’t know what is the meaning. So therefore, real right method to deal with mental level problems or unhappiness must develop within mind. I think if nature cleared such away physical pain, there is some kind of antidote of physical illness by nature developed within our own body like immune system suppose a counter of viruses. Similarly, mental level, emotional level, such as anger, fear, too much worry, brings really unhappiness so the counter force also by nature we are already equipped, sense of affection, sense of concern of other’s well-being, these are the counter sort of force. We already have, no question, whether we pay more attention to these things or not. So therefore, irrespective whether believer or non-believer, warm-heartedness sense of concern of others well-being, that is the real important thing. Now medical scientist, they say they found through their investigation fear, anger, hatred, eating our immune system. Other hand more compassionate part, sense of concern of other’s well-being, very helpful to sustain immune system.

Obviously, I think everyone, we all have the experience that they replace some kind of problem, anger and shouting. Then next morning, you feel really uncomfortable, sometimes bad mood. And dream also, some kind of discomfort. The day you really enjoy with genuine offense, who really trust each other, respect each other, genuine sense of concern for each other. Then the next morning you feel unusually even physically lighter. This has nothing to do with religion, even animal, also appreciate our love, when we show our pets, cats, dogs, even birds, if we show them genuine love they appreciate it. So yeah, human being, biologically we are all equipped with these things. By nature when we are born, even in our mother’s womb, the mother’s peace of mind is crucial factor for proper development of unborn child. Mother, sort of, too much anxiety, anger, this very bad for unborn child. Then according to scientists after birth, next few weeks mother’s physical touch is key factor for proper enlargement of the brain, for proper development of the brain. Then they also used to test monkey, young monkey separated from their mother and some young monkey, live with their mother, then they observe. Those young monkey who are separated from mother often very bad mood, the mother with monkey playful. So we are same. So our life started that way. Experience during that period really absorbed in our blood. So therefore, people constant anger fear very bad for our health. People who received affection, trust, friendship, that very good for our health. So therefore, sometimes you see people when we talk about value of compassion, forgiveness then people feel these are part of religious practice. So those people who have not much interest about religion then they also never worry about these things. That is, I think, a mistake, now that part we must make effort to make known whether believe religion or not, believe this religion, that religion. Its up to the individual, now today out of 7 billion human beings over 1 billion are non-believers. Ok, if they prefer, without belief, Ok. That is their individual right, but there is no point to negate these basic human values.

So here they according to Indian tradition, secular concept, secular according to Indian understanding. How many Indians here raise hand 1, 2? Any Indian? O.k. This side, O.k. So according to Indian understanding, the secular means respect. All religions no bitterness, this religion on that religion. And also, I think, quite unique secular means respect non-believer. That I think is very very relevant in today’s world. In the West, including America, some of my friends they say secularism and atheism, some sort of close link. So then naturally it is anti-god. Secular, not at all like that, respect all religion. Now India’s constitution itself based on spirit of secular, because India is multi-religious country, so it need respect all religion. So the constitution based on secular concept. So it is not at all against religion. And then one unique thing also respect non-believer. So I think India after independence, now India compare neighboring states, I think most stable and non-violent, I think mostly stable, religious harmony, because of secular concept and also non-violence.

So India is leading example, India most populated democratic country, most populated country China, now 1.34 billion, India 1.1 billion, like that, so that stable peaceful. Although lot of draw backs there corruptions, gap, huge gap between rich and poor. These are drawbacks, but still overall very stable and peaceful, and religious harmony wonderful. Just recently, I convened a religious interfaith meeting, serious meeting, serious discussion. So really I think India is example, so these things India, according to Indian understanding, secular is not at all something distanced from religion. So country education system secular way, I think we must find develop secular way to educate warm-heartedness. Just recently I was in Canada, Vacouver, serious discussions and here also we discuss purely secular way to educate about inner value, entirely based on scientific findings. That now I am fully committed to promote these things. So conclusion, ultimate source of happy life is within ourself, not money, not power, not just mere education. I think we can see, I think, many trouble maker different part of the world I think, generally quite well educated. So there is no guarantee that existing education brings inner peace or less trouble. No. So in education some systematic teaching about inner value, then the generation who come through that kind of education can be more sensible, more peaceful, more compassionate. Although result overnight will not come, it take decades, but worthwhile, make attempt now! Then perhaps later part of 21st century can be different world. I was just telling, 20th century became century of violence, now this 21st century should be century of peace. Peace does not mean no problem, but peace we must develop, we must create peaceful century, the right method to develop peaceful century is that we must develop spirit of dialogue. Whenever, national level, international level, global level, whenever we face some problems, problem of human being, problems of humanity, so we must follow human way to approach this problem, that’s dialogue. Meet no matter what the difference is, what different object or different interest. But still part of the humanity, so that one family member so try to solve the problem, solution that’s the only way, and ecology also.

Now we need some kind of compromise. Yes, certainty we have to use natural resources, and also further develop these technology, these things, at the same time keep in our mind minimum sort of damage about environment. So, I think that every individual case, family level, community level, global level, I think more realistic practical way, I have also I think many young American, boys and girls, overweight, also I think you too much eating. Many years ago, Boston here, one occasion, my driver, overweight person I remember his name, ‘tiny’ or something, His name tiny but his physical huge, so I remember his name. When we drive, always taking something from his pocket eating, eating, eating. Never rest always eating. That’s why he become overweight. At the same time you see people very much concerned about their physical health and overweight is not good. But who cared overweight too much eating too much drinking so we need here also some kind of compromise dialogue about health your physical your desire. Some kind of compromise, these things interrelated interdependent, so we cannot pursue just from one angle one independent angle. No. Things interdependent, like that. So therefore, existing our education system generally speaking very much oriented about material value, not enough pay attention about our inner value. Because of that if we put more religious education that also in a modern society there are more different faith, so creates some complication. Therefore secular way to educate these things.

So since there are few thousands of people here. Change of humanity, achieve happy society, happy world, see initiative must start from individual. Change global level united nation cannot do, we individual. First individual, himself or herself, think more about this inner value, then translate your daily life more compassionate life, then create more compassionate family, one family, 10 families, 100 families, 1000 families, then society. Through that way change society, through that way change humanity and build happy world peaceful world. I never consider I am something special when I give talk, when I meet people. I always consider myself as another human being, I never consider I’m His Holiness Dalai Lama. I never consider. I’m just human being. As far as Buddhism is concerned I am simple Buddhist monk, nothing, nothing more. On that way we can communicate. If I too much consider I am Dalai Lama, then actually reality I isolate rest of people, then I become lonely person. That brings more anxiety more frustration, no use. When I consider I am one human being then easily communicate like that. So please think more seriously on these points then if you feel some sense then try to implement, if you feel no sense then forget.

Q: Some people say you cannot teach empathy. What do you think? Can you teach a person or a child to be more empathic?

A: Yes certainly, as I have already mentioned, and mainly use of common experience and common sense and then scientific findings. Through that way we can teach. 

Q: Where is the middle path through a typical American life?

A: You know better, I just spend 1 week 2 week 3 week I don’t know that. You should find. I think extreme luxurious life not good, including your own health not good. And then on that respect you must think. Many millions of poor American these also have same right, so their living standard must uplift. Some American company really spend some of their money for well-being of poorer sector. Wonderful. So there are many NGO, many individual, really working for city, for needy people. Wonderful. And then of course maybe too extreme. I am Buddhist monk, so Buddhist monk prohibited drink alcohol. So less alcohol, too much alcohol eventually effect your liver not good. So your daily life, even though you have plenty of money, then too much luxurious life style not good. And then out of your money spend more meaningful project like that. Otherwise I don’t know. You should investigate, hmm. Then I think some people too much smoke, say twenty cigarettes. Reduce to ten this is better. There is always, in any field some mid-way. Extreme, even religious people, extreme sort of faith also sometimes not good. Extreme materialistic not good, like that.

Q: Out of everything you have done, what is the most memorable thing you have done?

A: Perhaps, one of them I did 30 years or so, mutual learning with scientist. Mainly four fields, cosmology, neurobiology, then physics, particularly quantum physics, then psychology. Really immense interest, not just interest benefit. Fully, convinced. So monastic institution in India now since last few years we already start lesson of class of science we already introduced. And I think two years ago, [translator speaks] science education has been incorporated formally into the curriculum itself and is now part of one of the required examination subjects. That I feel in ancient times again you see Indian knows Nalanda institution, not only just Buddhist learning center but also at that that time I think all existence of Indian knowledge, medicine, astronomy and all other thing study, and language sounds good also. So therefore, major monastic institution carrying that tradition. So, now, in modern world science very important so therefore must include, like that. That I think, [translator] this is something that has been an important achievement.

Q: There are a couple of questions from young Tibetan children of Sunday school age 5-11. Do you have a pet?

A: Yes, now a days I have one old cat. Now I think more than 15 years old. So now longer playful. Female cat. Originally someone found one small cat, physically quite weak. If not take care, I think some animal may consume. So I kept that. Early period very very playful, now a days, like myself. This animal pets really very sincere, if we pay serious sincere affection they response. Like dog, lick wonderful, really very sincere, very human being sometimes too much smart. Showing smile, behind smile what is the reason.  I was telling smile is something unique to a human being. But there are different kind of smile Diplomatic smile, smile with cheating motivation, and a sincere smile a smile of appeasement, a smile of sincere human friendship, so they are quite smart. So artificial smile sometimes brings more suspicion, doesn’t it. Genuine smile, so these animals, very genuine. They may occasionally little trick here and there, but basically very sincere, very trustworthy

Q: Do you ever get angry?

A: Oh yes. The other day, just the other day. The person who introduced me, he mentioned that Dalai Lama consider manifestation reincarnation of the Buddha of compassion. The image of that respond. You have never seen my angry face. I told him one story. I think, several years ago in New Jersey, one NYT columnist lady interviewed me. Then she asked me what is your legacy, what kind of legacy do you want. Then I respond, I am Buddhist monk I should not think these things. What is important is you should be sincere and serve as much as you can. You should not think your own name, your own legacy these things. Then another subject. Then again she asked me the same question, legacy. Then I answer same way. Then again some other topic. Then again she asked me, third time. Then I lost my temper. So I think abruptly ended my interview. Then I think after 1 or 2 years we met again in NYC and we both recall that event laughing, laughing, laughing, like that.

Q: What do you do in your spare time?

A: Of course when I quite young, then I spend some time, as a hobby. Some sort of planting, some flowers, or some repair clock, not small watch, that’s difficult, but more bigger one. So one time, again, one photographer, one lady from New York. I know her. She come to Dhamsala, India and that day her camera, somehow not working, damaged. So then I asked her, I will check. Not 100% confidence, but hopefully, may sort of repair it. Then my good luck, I repair. Next day I met I repaired. Freely now a days, whenever I have time, some thinking, Buddhists call analytical meditation, like that. And then when I have some time, then study, read, some of the ancient Nalanda masters writing, and their commentary, very very helpful, very helpful. I am Buddhist monk, so the unique thing about Buddhist tradition Buddhist practice is utilize human intelligence, maximum way, through that way more insights, through that way transform our emotion. So knowledge very important. So in order to gain knowledge read, study, very very important. Each day about 5 hours I spend in some different kinds of meditation, including deity visualization, some mental like that. But mainly analytical meditation, like that. Every day my day start 3 o’clock morning, about 4 hours some meditation, then after evening, another one hour, like that. That’s my daily routine. Then about 6:30-7 sleep. Sometimes modern lifestyle, one occasion in Berlin, this room at the hotel where they arranged my stay. Direct opposite there one night club, about 7 I start sleeping, and I can hear (beats), window blue light lights of different color, green, yellow, red, like that. Then about midnight they are still going on, then about 3:30-4 I already  now get up and they are still going on (beats again) like that. Then I think next day I think that they will be completely dead. Sometimes I jokingly expressing, nature create day and night. So night means sleep or perhaps lay people sex. Day time study or some working. So these young people whole night spent, then day time I think sleep, opposite, like that.

Q: You have said there is no need for Westerners to become Buddhist, you have actually encouraged them to stay in their own traditions and incorporate practices where it is are helpful. Do you still feel that way, if so what elements of the Buddhist practices would you suggest be most helpful?

A: Hm, that I consider something very important. Firstly, I respect all different major religions. Theistic religion, non-theistic religion, within theistic Judaism, Christianity, Islam and so on. All about 2000 years old traditions. So, in the past, and present, and the future also I think millions people will get immense inspiration from this religion. So it’s sufficient reason to respect. Then secondly, I am fully committed promotion of harmony. So when we as a Buddhist, like Mongolia, also some other regions, Buddhist, some missionaries, say beside helping education, help wonderful, but beside that they are also making effort conversion. That I criticize, so when some missionary people conversion involve activities of conversion we feel little sort of uncomfortable. That is same way, if I, as a Buddhist, try to propagate Buddhism in Christian country; that is absolutely wrong. One time in Mongolia, I met some Korean missionaries, they come to see me. And then I told them this is Buddhist country, if you help some education field or health you are most welcome. If you came for some missionary work then this is not right this is Buddhist country. Then I told them proudly when I give some talk or lecture on Buddhism in the West I always make clear Westerners should keep your own traditional faith. Changing religion is not good and not easy also. So I told them, if I myself try to propagate Buddhism in the West in non-Buddhist countries, how could I now criticize them like that. Therefore, and then also, the individual case also.

I have nice story in early 60s large number of Tibetan, not yet start our resettlement, many of them road worker very difficult. Then one Tibetan official, lay official, say he posted in Western part of Tibet, in 1959 he had an opportunity to escape with his family, his wife two or three children very young, then eventually husband, the official, passed away, then mother and two or three children remain. Early 60s, I think maybe 62 or 63, one day she came to see me, and her stories, her difficult life she told me. Then she told me some missionary, at that time we received immense help from Catholic service, Christian missionaries, really immense help. So she told me she received a lot of help, then also take care about her children’s education also. Then she told me now for this life now she become Christian, then she added next life she will be Buddhist. This is clear sign of confusion. Then there is some, my friend. One for example polish old lady, one time, either after second world war, during that period she escaped into India then joined a theosophical society in Madras, So as soon as 56 we know chada, after 59 become very close friend of Tibetan, she helped young Tibetan education like that. Eventually she became Buddhist, however, at the time of her end of her life, the concept of God, creator constantly reflect in her mind. So therefore, it is better safer to keep one’s own tradition. So that I feel is very very important. And those individual who really find the Buddhist way of approach more suitable then should think again again, and study more, then fully convinced Buddhist approach is really suitable, really convincing, then ok as individual freedom and individual right to follow. In the meantime you must respect your own traditional religion; that is very important.

And then of course as I mentioned earlier, all major religion same practice of love, forgiveness, tolerance, self-discipline, and contentment, simplicity. In these fields we can learn each other. Some of the Christian monasteries and nunneries in Italy. Particularly in Italy, I have some occasions to visit a monastery or nunnery, the monks nuns in their lifestyle very simple. Simplicity. Sometimes felt there are some Tibetan monasteries I think more luxurious. We must learn, we must copy their simplicity, wonderful. The present pope dismiss one German bishop or something too much luxurious lifestyle, Pope found this is wrong, so dismiss, wonderful. So I think sometimes we Tibetan need some sort of high group some sort of disciplinary action, I think necessary. I as individual cannot do that, some kind of group like that. And then, single point of mind, we have still living tradition, tradition very much living. So some Christian showing interest single point of meditation, that is ok. Brother Wayne is a very close friend, very very close, very very staunch supporter of Tibetan just cause, often talking about common practice these things. One day he asked me about Buddhist unique concept; that is emptiness. He asked me about that sort of concept, then I told him, this is not your business, this is Buddhist business, don’t ask that. I really a little bit sort of anxious, this is a Buddhist concept, no absolute, no independent or absolute thing. Everything interdependent or relative on certain level. So therefore, that concept if he is familiar, then it might hinder his single pointed faith towards creator, creator as absolute independent. So therefore, I deliberately feel this is not good. So I told him that. And then also I think about 2 years ago in South India in Bangalore. One Hindu spiritual leader, his organization really devoted helping thousands of school children their meal, he really helping immensely. He constructed special factory making food, and some certain truck, he daily serving lunch many thousand school children. So then he invited me, then we casual talk about Buddhist practice and Hindu practice. Then I told him, yes Buddhism and Hinduism is like team. Practice of morality, practice of single pointed mind, practice of wisdom, you see same. And then the real difference is Atman and anatman. So Buddhists, no soul theory, all non-Buddhist of ancient Indian spirituality, all accept the independent self, call soul or Atman. So that’s demarcation, differences. Then I told him these two concepts independent self and no independent self this our private business. You believe independent self, ok believe that, I believe no independent self, so I follow that way. So that private business, no problem.
Q: What can we in America do to help Tibetans realize their justice and freedom? How can young people get involved to support the Tibetan cause?

Firstly, you see our cause I think is just cause? Then my main concern is we have our own language our own script, in Tibetan script, in Tibetan language. I think many Nalanda scholars, masters writing, translated into Tibetan, so we have over three hundred volumes which translated from India, mainly Sanskrit and also Pali, and some extent even Nepalese, translation from Chinese perhaps I think 15-20 volumes. The rest all translated from Sanskrit and Pali. So now several meeting with many Buddhist, including many Chinese Buddhist, Japanese, Korea, and Vietnamese, and Thai, Burma, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia. It became clear that Tibetan translation not only big number, but also quite precise. Some scholar who knows both Tibetan and Sanskrit when they find some difficulties to understand the meaning of the original Sanskrit they usually refer Tibetan because Tibetan translation are very very precise. So now today I think the best language to describe fully about Nalanda tradition is Tibetan language, only language. Although Buddhism Nalanda tradition reached China at least 2-3 centuries earlier, but like more difficult philosophy, and then also especially Buddhist epistemology, available only in Tibetan language. Therefore the preservation of Tibetan Buddhist knowledge and with that Tibetan culture, culture of peace, culture of non-violence, and ultimately culture of compassion. That kind of thing really worthwhile to preserve, and not only 6 million Tibetans interest but now China about 400 million Budhhist. Many of these Chinese Buddhist really showing interest about Tibetan Buddhism. So therefore, really worthwhile. And now China look, huge gap between rich and poor and moral ethics very very low, so immense corruptions like that. Many Chinese really hoping that Buddhist teaching can help to further restore these human values and moral values. Even President of China, his visit in Europe, in Paris he publically expressed, in Chinese culture Buddhism has very important role. So regarding promotion of Chinese culture, Buddhist should have some serious responsibility and similarly he express in New Delhi also. So that I think his approach his thinking is the same as religionist, so it is quite unusually for a communist leader expressing importance of Buddhism, something quite new, isn’t it, like that. So, preservation of Buddhist knowledge and Buddhist culture is something very worthwhile and very important, the problem hardliner of Chinese Communist their main concern is stability and unity, so they see consider unique Tibetan culture, including Tibetan language, they feel a source of threat of separation. This is due to their fear and narrow-mindedness. I always telling, expressing when I meet some Chinese look at India, East India, South India, West India, North India, different language different script, but not in danger of separation. If people, concerned people have satisfaction then this different language different sort of culture, will not be source of separation.

Kasmir is something different because of Pakistan, and some political difficulties, so overall I think India very very stable. South India, they much prefer their own language, North Indian they say Hindi is more prominent, South Indian Tamil they say Tamil language is much more advanced like that. It’s ok, but so long as they really satisfied remain Indian union, like that. Keep different culture different language that gives them satisfaction. Recently I met one Chinese, who visited Tibet, he told me material development, including new buildings and this, much developed, but Tibetan loves their own culture, their own Buddhist tradition, some restriction on that. So that really sort of brings feeling of hurt. One Chinese who visited he told me like that. So please whenever you have opportunity meeting Chinese with brothers sisters, some scholars, some business men and women, some students. Please tell them, what is the reality of Tibetan, including the culture, language.

Then environment, one Chinese environmentalist, ecologist. He wrote one article, one ecologist brought that article to me, that article mentioned, the Chinese ecologist as a result of his study, he found effect from Tibetan plateau, effect to global warming. As much as south pole north pole, he describe Tibetan Plateau as third pole. And then obviously many Indian scholars say they measure rivers which cover China to Pakistan, in these rivers over a billion human life depend on these rivers. So preserve ecology and not exploit them. River as major resources, sometimes there is some sort of talking the major rivers which go south (translator) which may be re-directed, to north desert. These I think some concern nations, I think and especially scientists discuss research then make decision, otherwise like three gorges dam. Some Chinese scientists really have great reservations, so therefore ecology really sort of conservation is something very very important. So please tell these things. Then best thing I often telling visit Tibet, it maybe little bit expensive, so that you can do something, you borrow some money  from your friend, then when you reach Tibet you can buy some antiques, then after you return you can sell at little higher price. So that’s very important go there visit, Chinese officials always say, oh Tibet wonderful, highly developed, they really liberated. So tell them please now you mentioned highly developed highly satisfied Tibetan, and then let us see, let us go there, so you should go there and see. Then what you saw there and then telling people what is reality. If things are really very good, then no more complain, we handful Tibetan community our real boss inside Tibet, those Tibetan who are inside Tibet, outside Tibet around 150-160 thousand, inside Tibet about 6 million, there is the real boss, if boss feel ok, then we have nothing to complain. Then political field, 7th century, 8th century, 9th century, Tibet some historian, after their thorough research, they say during those centuries Chinese emperor, Tibetan emperor, Mongolian emperor, this and that, according to many Chinese history book literature mention that.

Then end of 9th century Tibet disintegrated like that, so now we are in the 21st century, look European Union, I admire European Union, and also America United States, I admire, small small sovereign state, united sort of state, now united states, like the European Union. Already some better step they’ve done, I think German and French, one of my sort of tutor I consider tutor, von Weizsaker, a quantum physicist, we have become very very close sort of friend. I respect him, I admire him, I received some lesson from him. So I often telling, when I listen, when I receive teaching from him, explanation about quantum physics, and also David Bohm, these two person I consider my tutor about quantum physics. So when I listen to their explanation, it seems I understand something. After finished lesson, nothing left here, so I usually describe hopeless student. Von Weizsacker, once mentioned to me, when he was young, then every German eye, French is their enemy, similarly French eye German is their enemy. When we are talking these things I think of 1990s, then he say now a days this sort of concept completely changed. So Otto, first German chancellor, and De Gaul French leader, traditionally enemy. Because of new circumstances, new reality, these two people initiated spirit of European Union. So therefore reality changed, now today not only sovereign states but whole continent depend on each other. So that is reality, so I often expressing Africa some kind of union, pan-Africa, some kind of union, it’s the future of Africa. Small small states and the civil war of fighting each other miserable distraction, so believe these things, so we also you see since 74 we make up in our mind. Now, we should not sort of fight for complete independence, we should try to materialize the Chinese constitution give certain rights. That should implement on the spot, totalitarian system, sometimes on paper mention something nice things, but real implementation is different. Only control control control.

So and then also I think I want to mention some Chinese accusations, some Chinese united front. They accuse us, they say we are seeking a Greater Tibet. No, this very word, Greater Tibet, we never use this word. The Chinese officials use that. What we ask them is in the constitution consider Tibetan ethic groups area, which is Tibetan ethnic groups area. So the constitution arranged autonomous region, autonomous prefecture, autonomous district, autonomous county. So those area constitution recognize as Tibetan ethic group, then we should have same right. That’s our sort of like that. So therefore, middle way, not seeking independence, not satisfied present arrangement. So that why we call middle way approach. Telling these things whenever you have opportunity that is the way to help.

At the end they asked me to say a few words to Tibetan. Ok, that’s top secret, So I tell in Tibetan, so you do not understand that. [Speaks in Tibetan for several minutes] So thank you, thank you much, now finished.


My main, and perhaps only concern about the Dalai Lama’s speech is his unwillingness to talk about Buddhist concepts, such as emptiness, to those ingrained in a single faith. It is my opinion that we learn not just from the similarities between religions, but also differences. I do appreciate it that he is aware of the differences. The differences between religions do not come up in his book Beyond Religion in that much detail. I am very interested in the similarities, but I also think discussion of differences will help us understand each other. I understand that he is not completely denying outsiders into instruction on Buddhist concepts, but another problem then arises under what conditions to you introduce people into concepts like emptiness and when do you not?

Again the goal of my project is to learn about different religions, different traditions, and ultimately different people. If these questions are ignorant, please forgive me, I am still at the beginnings of this project, and please accept this humble gift, a transcript of the Dalai Lama’s Boston talk. 


  1. Dan, this was a public talk to thousands of people. It had to be general. There are actually restrictions on who can be taught emptiness. Anyway, just two days later in NYC he gave the most profound teachings on emptiness you could hope for.

    Day 1:

    Day 2:

    Check his schedule to see the amazing variety of philosophical teachings he gives all over the world:

    1. Thank you for that information. I have also been in contact with the Kurukulla Center for Tibetan Buddhism in regards to this question. And they have also informed me of this. My main concern was that in one of the examples he gave about religious confusion or not wanting to talk about deeper Buddhist concepts he mentioned Brother Wayne and that he said that you don't need to know about emptiness, this is a Buddhist concept. that was a rough paraphrase, but his exact words are above. I got the misguided impression that this is how he and other Tibetan Buddhists handled inquiries about deeper Buddhist philosophy in general. I am hoping to get permission to publish the answer to this question I got from one of the leaders at the Kurukulla Center.
