Sunday, July 26, 2015

Open Letter to Leadership of the U.S. Army

Dear Leadership of the U.S. Army:
      I am writing to urge you to expedite the addition of Heathen to the Army’s religious preference list. I understand that you are currently reworking how such an addition is processed; however, it is my understanding that members of the Heathen community first requested this addition 6 years ago.     
       I thank all of you for defending this amazing country and all the freedoms that I have as a citizen. I understand many individuals sacrificed their lives for my freedom. Do not ask those Heathens who serve to limit their freedoms.
       Part of the delay may be that there is a suspicion that Ásatrú isn’t a religion. I sympathize with and understand the tough decisions that you have to make in regards to these choices. However, I am convinced that Heathens are devout and religious.
       As a religion critic, something akin to an art critic, a question that often arises is “what is religion”. While there is no fool proof way of answering this question, there are two criteria that I think are sufficient in this particular case. 1) They have beliefs about the Ultimate. 2) They have or at least are attempting to join in community with each other. In my opinion there is no good reason not to add Heathen to the Army’s religious preference list.
       If you would like to ask me further questions about my opinion on this matter feel free to email me at

With respect,
        Daniel Ansted
        (A Religion Critic)   

The Response: 

Mr. Ansted,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the addition of "Heathen" as a faith code.  The Department of Defense is currently reviewing the faith code policy and application of faith codes across all services.   This review will include the Service/Department process for addition faith codes to the personnel systems.  
Thank you for your continued support of and interest in the men and women serving in our military services.
RespectfullyThe Armed Forces Chaplains Board Executive Director

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